What Up Yo.
So…here it is?
I don’t know man, Richard Donner…where are you?
This is so fucking dark, and why are they fighting exactly?
And why is this so fucking dark?
I think i couldn’t give two shits for this thing.
I mean i loved
Man Of Steel
I loved the first 2/3 of it, until it became a big screen live action video game for the last 39 minutes.
But i grew up on Richard Donner’s masterpiece of a film:
The Movie
And I grew up on
Superman II
Not realizing it had ben basterdized by Richard Lester at the time.
I even dug Bryan Singer’s
Superman Returns
But here, in this trailer I almost feel like my favorite part was Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne…
An thats saying a lot people…
Here it is, the first trailer…
At least Star Wars Episode 7 looks fucking great.
Go nuts.
Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice
Teaser Trailer 1
Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice