Celebrating this day means we must recognize it for all it represents, not easy to look at if you have an open heart and open mind. This day is a memorial, a day of morning and a day of celebration. Today, I honor the fallen, the millions who died for our freedom. In honor of […]

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The Podcast
Chapter 27:
A Conversation With Actor Michael Giese

A New Yorker for 20 years, Michael Giese moved here from Iowa in 2001. An actor in commercials, television, film and stage…and good friend

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The Kate Tojeiro Interview
By Bree Donovan

Kate Tojeiro is a highly respected executive life coach, and she rides…

Instructed by our friend Billy “BikeTruck” Ward, she has met with and learned from some real movers and shakers. Kate Tojeiro acquired the alchemy of turning adversity into Art and graciously shares it with all in her current book: The Art of Possible

Interviewed by Bree Donavan, this was the right article at the exact right time for me personally, Kate is truly an inspiration.

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