Bright Eyes
At The Bottom Of Everything

What up yo.
I was out of work 5 years back. Found a blog by a girl from New York City. She was from the Midwest, had a drug problem and came here to Metropolis to be in Fashion School and to model.

Damn it, I wish I could remember then name of her blog.
She would write these long articles about missing this guy, missing that guy, going online to chat rooms and meeting guys who always ended up exposing themselves to her.

It was a good read.

She listened to kick ass music. I discovered “The XX” reading her words, “M83” (thank the gods) and I discovered the boy genius who is Conor Oberst and his band of the moment “Bright Eyes“.

They had just released “I’m Wide Awake, It’s Morning”.


Every word is poetry.

Conor has been called a modern day Bob Dylan because he is so damn talented.

That album cracked me wide open.

The album starts with the song below…

I share it with you.

Have a great day.

“We’re going to a party.
It’s a birthday party.
It’s your birthday party.
Happy birthday darling.
We love you
very much…”

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